Worker Owner Rights & Responsibilities Training

Join Madison Workers Cooperative (MadWorC) for a training about Worker-Owner Rights and Responsibilities 

Description: The 1st Co-op Principle is Open and Voluntary Membership, which is described as meaning “open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership”. Meeting responsibilities means understanding what those responsibilities are. Worker-owners also gain rights by joining the cooperative, including many rights that do not exist in other kinds of work situations. These rights and responsibilities are one of the things that distinguish a worker cooperative from other kinds of companies and jobs. We will go over some of the key rights and responsibilities of members, reflect on why they are important, and discuss how we hold ourselves and each other accountable. This training includes time for individual reflection, group discussion, and small group activities.

When: Wednesday, October 23rd, from 6pm-7:45pm Central Time

Who should attend: These trainings are intended to be relevant to any worker-owners, regardless of type of role or experience with cooperatives.

Cost: $10

Notes and Logistics:

This training will be held in English. 

For this online session, we encourage co-ops to send multiple people (though for each person to have their own device, since there are some small group and paired activities that are much more difficult when two or more people are sharing a device).  

If your cooperative is in Madison, please get in touch to arrange to have an in-person training for your whole cooperative! 

Registration: Register here by midnight on Sunday October 20th. 


Credit: This training is part of a set of five trainings that MadWorC is creating, funded by the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF).
